How to Hang Festoon Lights on a Covered Patio and Along Fences
How to Hang Festoon Lights Around a Covered Patio
To attach your string lights to a covered patio, simply screw hooks into the ceiling all around the patio. Any type of hook will do, you don't need anything fancy or specific. Cup Hooks or Eye Screws are often a popular option and these are often sold in bulk packs at your local DIY store.
Some customers also use nails and these work just as well.
You don't need a hook for every light. Some like to use a hook for every 3 lights while others like to do more of a 'U' shape so less hooks are needed. All depends on how much swag you want in your string lights.
Once your hooks are in place, start by plugging in your string lights in the nearest outlet. We recommend hanging the festoon cable only first without the bulbs. Once happy with your pattern and design you can then screw in the bulbs. Makes moving the cable much easier!
How to Hang Festoon Lights Along Your Fence
Lighting up your fence is incredibly easy to do and will transform your outdoor space and make it more usable. This is a really great lighting idea for your garden if you don’t have any trees or don’t want to add tall poles to your yard. You don’t need any special equipment and it can be done in less than an hour with basically the exact same strategy as above!
All you need to do is add some screws to the fence, spaced equally all around the garden, and hang the lights from them. All our lights have little tabs above each bulb, perfect for slipping right over a screw. Of course, you can also use hooks again here. If you can try and match your screw colour to your fence colour. We have some customers who spray paint their hooks and that final touch makes a big difference to the overall look.
How to Hang Festoon Lights Using a Tension Wire
If hanging a distance where hanging points are spaced more than 8m apart we recommend using a tension wire. This will help support the weight of your festoon cable. We also recommend this wire if hanging in a windy outdoor area.

To secure your festoon lights to the wire, you can use cable ties like below.
If still not sure how to hang your festoon lights in your outdoor area, email or call us and we can direct you with advice specific to your space. It really isn't complicated once you get some expert advice.
All so easy and anyone can do it. No flash tools required or complicated design required. Just a little bit of your time along with some hooks and high quality festoon lights.
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